November 28, 2008

im s0 sl33py

my r3d 3y3.. ^^ im s0 sl33py, din r3ali sl33p much s0 did h3... r3ali g0tta catch m0r3 sl33p b4 i di3 3xhausti0n.. 0k... dats 3xag3rratin... h3ard fr0m sc dat 0n3 can g3t high BP du3 t0 lack 0f sl33p... dunn0 tru3 n0t... back t0 sl33p... cia0z...

t0day juz did micr0bi0 and maths t3sts... micr0bi0 still 0k budd3n i tink im still a pi3c3 0f d3ad m3at f0r math...
LOG!!! i hat3 y0u!!!
u juz mad3 my lif3 mis3rabl3... fcuk u!!!
and t0 add 0n, my path3tic rit3 3y3 is still r3d, redd3r than b4... n0w my l3ft 3y3 starts t0 hurt to0... mayb3 can g3t MC???? XD

November 27, 2008

my 3ar hurts and my fr3akin r3d rit3 3y3 fr3akin hurts...
d3y ar3 juz wad i n33d3d...
th3r3's b0und to hav3 an answ3r admist th3 confusi0n...

November 26, 2008

b0ught a go0d luck car3b3ar, h0pin dat go0d luck will b3 wif him...
wad3v3r u ar3 sa3in is juz s0 simply pr3varicatin... in a way dat im s0 bad, d3m3anin littl3 stuffs dat i d0... h3ck...

had my in0rganic physical chemistry practical t3st t0day... it dun lo0k to0 go0d... 3ith3r l0w marks 0r fail...

3v3ry sw33t sms is s3nt t0 u, 3v3ry sw33t sms is tru3, i'v3 tri3d t0 b3 sw33t in any mann3r n i tink i've d0n3 it... wad u sa3 t0 m3 is diff fr0m wad u typ3 it 0ut... dat's h0w i f33l at l3ast... it r3ally hurts wh3n u hurl w0rds 0f th3 untruth at m3 3sp. 0n fri nit3...

November 25, 2008

a sid3 n0t3

wad th3 3 qu0t3s b3l0w m3ant t0 u is h0w d3y ar3 r3lat3d t0 u... 0n3 may b3 l3ft wif th3 impr3ssi0n dat i wanna l3t g0, h0w3v3r 0n3 may b3 l3ft wif th3 impr3ssi0n dat i dun wanna l3t g0... it all d3p3nds 0n hw u f33l...
qn: d03s wad u d3ciph3r fr0m th3 qu0t3s r3ali r3fl3cts my f33lins???

s0m3 rand0m t0ts

"A person can never get over a broken heart if they aren't willing to let go of all the pieces."

"Remember, just because someone doesn't love you the way you want him to, it doesn't mean he don't love you with everything he've got."

"Why do we love the ones who hurt us and hurt the ones who love us?"
as usual, baby f3tch3d m3 t0 scho0l 0n alt3rnat3 w33ks... scho0l's n0t to0 bad t0day, esp, micr0bi0logy practical... fungus... w0ah... can gr0w mushro0ms... wahahaha.. lam3... at l3ast it is smth diff3r3nt fr0m wad w3 d0 usually.... d3n pratical l3ctur3r start3d t3llin us th3 ways 0f t0rturin lab mic3 all in th3 nam3 0f sci3nc3...

23 n0v

baby br0ught m3 0ut f3r s0m3 nic3 d3ss3rt... s0 i sugg3st3d chinat0wn... l0ng tim3 n3v3r g0 th3r3 lia0z l3... walk3d abit d3n w3nt t0 3at ah balling tang yuan... nic3... 3at finish l3 t0k c0rk, luff luff d3n went f3r a str0ll... saw a lady carryin a wabbit ar0und... dat wabbit was wrapp3d in s0m3 silky cl0th.... damn cut3 i w0uld sa3 & its a rar3 sight... at l3ast f3r m3... start3d t0 imagin3 m3 d0in such thing... h3h3... dat w0uld b3 fr3akin fun... th3 nit3 was still y0ung s0 d3cid3d t0 rid3 t0 clark3 quay... saw a damn pr3tty pink christmas tr33!!! s0 far, this is th3 nic3st 0n3 i hav3 s33n s0 far... n0t dat i lyk pink... its juz its structure dat attract3d m3... b0ught ic3 cr3am & to0k a l0-man-ti-k3 walk.. h3h3h... i want3d t0 bl0g b0ut smth budd3n m3 f3rg0tten lia0z l3... my m3m0ry is failin m3.. haiz... nvm... d3n rid3 0v3r t0 3splanad3 inst3ad 0f walkin 0v3r cuz i was lazy...
i hav3 n3v3r f3lt s0 at p3ac3 f3r a l0ng tim3... th3 stilln3ss 0f th3 nit3 (3xc3pt f3r th3 0ccasi0nal irritatin ppl3 hu tok l0udly), c0upl3s 3nj0yin 3ach 0th3r's c0mpany whil3 whisp3rin sw33t nth t0 3ach 0ther, gazin d33ply int0 th3 3y3s 0f th3ir l0v3d 0n3s... but nth can b3 c0mpar3d wif th3 b3autiful sc3n3ry illuminat3d by th3 s0ft lights 0f th3 pr3tty lightings... (kn0w my 3ng n0t dat go0d but fcuk it ^^)
23 n0v (r3lativ3ly l0ng p0st)
at nit3 w3nt t0 m33t his fr3ns d3n aft3r w3nt t0 yishun dam... w3nt t0 chitchat with ahw3i sinc3 h3's th3r3 and l0ng tim3 n3v3r s33 him lia0z l3... sa3... 8 m0nths??? im n0t sur3... man... u'v3 slimm3d d0wn l3 & lo0kin go0d... d3n w3nt t0 mummum... budd3n d3y w3nt h0m3 3arly s0 w3nt t0 n0rth p0int t0 ch3ck f3r madagascar 2... i was waitin f3r this day.. =) t0o bad, it was n0t availab3 th3r3 s0 d3cid3d t0 g0 t0 th3 cathay... y3a... s0 rid3 th3r3... 3 fucktards st3pp3d 0nt0 my tail this nit3... baby dr0v3 n0rmally t0 cathay, th3n s0mewh3r3 at yishun (n0t r3ally sure), baby 0v3rto0k s0m3 bik3s (sp,125z) lyk at slightly m0r3 than 100km/h... h3r3 c0m3s fucktard 1... s0m30n3 gav3 chas3... wth!!! lyk dat 0s0 wan t0 chase?!?! n0t as if w3 d3librat3ly ji0 u or wad3v3r shit... juz 0v3rto0k u lyk N0RAMAL situati0ns (if u g3t wad i m3an)... nvm l0s... initially i t0t it was th3 sp but baby t0ld m3 it was the 125z... -.-"'... nvm l0s... s0 i assum3d h3 assum3d dat h3 damn zai l0s... h0w3v3r h3 l0st t0 baby in t3rms 0f sp33d & c0rn3rins... t0t h3 had gav3 up... baby was ridin back t0 n0rmal sp33d at 100km/h... h3 cam3 right b3sid3s us aft3r s0me tim3... fucktard 1 was starin damn hard & angrily at baby & bl0w3d at us (lyk t0 bl0w s0 much d3n giv3 bl0wj0bs l0s, cant aff0rd t0 l0s3 d3n dun play in th3 first plac3) ... h0w i wish3d i had smth t0 thr0w at him... but im n0t dat bad th0ugh i wld l0v3 t0 d0 s0 in cas3 h3 buang... dis assh0l3 is 0n3 hu dunno his 0wn limits... n0t up t0 par d3n dun play... esp, wh3n w3 din pr0v0k3 u in th3 first plac3... in th3 3nd my hair g0t 3ntangl3d fr3akin badly...
r3ach3d cathay b0ught tick3ts f3r madagascar 2 d3n w3nt t0 starbucks f3r a drink... baby was sw33t 3nuff t0 h3lp m3 untangl3 my hair all th3 whil3... th3n th3r3's th3s3 2 fucktards (1 mal3, 1 f3male) sittin b3sid3 us, start3d t0 giv3 baby th3 w3ird kind 0f luk... baby hav3n n0tic3d dis all th3 whil3... i hav3 b33n n0ticin d3m f3r quit3 awhil3... initially ffucktard k33p starin at baby f3r a l0ng tim3 d3n lat3r ""inf0rm3d" mfucktard... d3n b0th start3d starin at baby... d0s3 kind 0f "3ee" star3s... i turn3d ar0und & luk3d at d3m... d3y luk3d away straightaway... d3n i c0uld h3ar th3ir whisp3rin c0nv3rsations...
ffucktard: why w0uld h3 wann t0 d0 dat??? (givin a disgust3d luk)
mfucktard: cuz h3's gay... (smirkin)
dats it!!!! d3y ar3 cr0ssin 0v3r th3 lin3... i star3d at d3m angrily... i sw3ar i c0uld d0 this...
walk 0v3r t0 d3m wif my drink, invit3 mys3lf f3r a s3at & hav3 a nic3 littl3 h3art t0 h3art chat wif d3m...
t0 th3 ffucktard: cuz my d3ar3st bf is sw33t & att3ntiv3 enuff t0 d0 dat f3r m3... aint u j3al0us dat ur bf's n0t d0in such nic3 stuff f3r ya??? 0h!!! i'v3 f3rg0tt3n dat u mit3 b3 SINGL3 wif dat disgustin fac3 of urs... 0h!!! 0h!!! 0h!!! 0r mayb3 u ar3 j3al0us dat UR bf aint tr3atin u sw33tly... (smirkin t0 mys3lf)
t0 th3 mfucktard: is dat wad u call gay??? man... u g0tta t0 b asham3d 0f urs3lf... u dunn0 th3 d3finiti0n of gay, u tink u ar3 smart 3nuff t0 id3ntify 0n3 but u ar3 s0 awfully wr0ng in th3 ass, w0rst 0f all, u luk nth b3tt3r d3n a gay urs3lf...
t0 b0th 0f d3m: s0 STFU & dun pass us3l3ss & bas3lss c0mm3nts... u may kip th3 shit t0 urs3lv3s...
but 0f c0urs3 i din d0 dat.. giv3n my t3mp3r at dat p0int 0f tim3, i w0uld hav3 juz walk3d straight up t0 d3m & d3lightfully p0ur my drink 0v3r th3ir shit h3ads... inst3ad, i juz c0ntinu3d smilin t0 my baby & t0k t0 him...
madagascar is da S3X... hilari0us as b4 h0w3v3r, th3 wh0l3 thing is lil sh0rt... slightly l3ss than 1.5h i think... n3v3rth3l3ss, its worth it...

i n33d t0 n0 0n3 t0 mak3 any judg3m3nt 0f m3

i n33d n0 0n3 to pass any c0mm3nts b0ut m3

dun assum3 dat u kn0w m3 w3ll insid3 0ut cuz u DUN at all

21 n0v
it is th3 day....

November 21, 2008

"I've never had feelings this strong for someone in my whole life, and probably never will. And the fact that I just have to walk away from it hurts me more than you will ever know."
im juz s0 tir3d... wish t0 run away fr0m it but its imp0ssibl3... i wan d3m back inst3ad 0f havin d3m b3fallin 0n u... it aint fair... champ champ, muz b3 a go0d b0i b0i h0rz...
wish dat im m0r3 d3cisiv3

November 20, 2008

i'm s0rry... hurtin u was n3v3r my int3nti0n... i 0ni want3d t0 b3 fair t0 u... i nid tim3 t0 s0rt 3v3rything 0ut, ask mys3lf 3xactly wad d0 i wan...
it to0k to0 l0ng... i nid t0 s33 3v3rything cl3arly..
i n33d t0 b3 al0n3...

November 19, 2008

initially want3d t0 g0 to harb0ur fr0nt int3rchang3 d3 f0od c3ntr3 t0 3at duck ric3 wif baby but to0 bad it was cl0s3d f3r th3 day s0 w3nt f3r y0shin0ya inst3ad... t0day r3ali n0t a go0d day f3r him... ganna summ0n by p0lic3 accusin him 0f n0t switchin 0n his h3adlights and st0ppin 0v3r th3 whit3 lin3 ( wad3v3r u call it ) at th3 traffic light... th3 p0lic3car f0ll0w3d b3hind us all th3 way t0 viv0 carpark l0s d3n highb3am3d him in th3 carpark and d3n switch 0n th3 "r3d blu3" light (dats h0w i call it )... WTF... wh3r3 g0t such thing 0n3 d3 siaz... damn wad l0s... d3n th3 p0lic3man t0k till damn guai lan... big fcuk m3hz??? sp0il mo0d... aft3r dinn3r w3nt t0 b3n & j3rry "yum yum" ... had mang0 s0rb3t, ch0c0lat3 fudg3 br0wnie & jamaican smth smth... h3h3... *tasty* d3n w3nt to skypark... th3r3's a pr3tty christmas tr33 th3r3... ^^

lady luck pl3as3 smil3 0n him
st3re0typin is n0t a way 0f lif3...
stupidity is a sin...
h3rd c0nf0rmity is a sin...
u idi0ts ar3 S0 g0in t0 h3ll...
kindn3ss t0 th0se wh0 d3s3rv3 it inst3ad 0f ll0v3 wast3d 0n ingrat3s

November 18, 2008

it's juz s0 t3rribl3...

Fcuk it

fcuk th3 p30pl3 hu ar3 0ni b0th3r3d b0ut th3ir 0wn ass3s... why ar3 p30pl3 g3ttin m0r3 & m0r3 s3lfish??? i d3t3st it... g0 0n & c0v3r th3ir 0wn ass3s & so0n th3y will hav3 n0 ass3s l3ft... t0 h3ll wif dis ppl3... th3 "u h3lp m3, i h3lp u" (3sp t0 ur 0wn pple) kind 0f spirit is n0 l0ng3r aliv3... 0h d3ar3st g0d, pl3as3 h3lp him 0ut, bl3ss him... 0h satan, pl3as3 burn d0se fucktards ass3s in h3ll, b3st0w d3m wif ur utm0st suff3rings wht3h3r d3y ar3 d3ad 0r aliv3.. 0h pl3ase... l3t nth happ3n t0 him...
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is
spoken and rumored by many.

November 17, 2008

15 n0v

c3l3brat3d gabri3l's bda3 at Jazz Pub at 3xp0... happy birthday b0i ^^... th3 plac3 can chill, drink, play po0l and sing... quit3 a c0sy plac3 i would sa3... baby's fac3 was s0 r3d aft3r drinkin budd3n h3's n0t drunk at all.. b4 g0in th3r3, baby and i to0k a walk at sp0tlight PS... was lo0kin f3r s0me nic3 carp3t... saw 0ne r3ali pr33tty purpl3 "furrish" carp3t... XD... d3n w3nt f3r dinn3r at Pizzahut... h3h3... it's always fun wif him...

14 n0v

b33n lo0kin f0rward t0 fri s0 much y3t h3av3n was n0t fair... it started p0urin durin S&W class... first h0ur was circuit trainin... it was h3ll i t3ll u... den oni l3ft wif half an h0ur t0 play s0m3 balls... ( v0ll3yball) sucky w3ath3r...

November 15, 2008

~back t0 scho0l

here i am back t0 scho0l again... E-learning w33k 3nd3d s0 fast... damn it... d0in pr0j3ct n0w l0s.... -.-...

November 13, 2008

th3 fright 0f my day

tak3n at mac
was at mac again... this tim3 i brought my micr0bi0l0gy w0rk al0ng t0 d0... alm0st 3v3rynit3 w3 can b3 f0und th3r3... "w3 can b3 c0nsid3r3d as th3ir s3mi-r3gularz" w3 slack slack d3n cry tgt... s0rry hunn3h... sh0uld n0t hav3 cri3d in fr0nt 0f u & mak3 u ups3t.. *miss my hamham~s0fti3 gr3yi3 & whitey s0 much* aft3r dat went h0m3 l3... wh3n i r3ach3d h0me was b0ut 0600... as usual i w3nt t0 wash my face... i lath3r3d s0m3 f0am 0nt0 my fac3 & d3n i 0p3n3d my 3y3s and lo0k3d int0 the mirr0r... th3r3 is it... a hid30us cr3atur3 starin back at m3... s0 n3ar dat it alm0st t0uch3d my n0s3... i stick 0ut my t0ngu3 and d3liv3r it int0 my m0uth... d3v0urin it... Mmmm... tasty NOT!!! i imm3diat3ly to0k 2 giant st3ps back & lo0k3d at th3 big fat juicy, light br0wn c0ckr0ach... h0w c0uld such a p3st land3d 0n my mirr0r scarin th3 shit 0ut 0f m3... s0 darn m3an 0f it... i sw3ar i can h3ar it snigg3rin gl33fully away... th3 f0am w3r3 g3ttin int0 my 3y3s stingin th3m... "im g0in n0wh3r3..." said th3 c0ckr0ach... i had 3nuff & to0k a cl0th & smack3d rit3 int0 it... it crawl3d h3lt3r sk3lt3r madly... hah!!! sw33t r3v3ng3... wash3d up & hit my b3d rit3 straight aft3r...


was br0wsin thru my f0t0 album & d3cid3d t0 "b3autify" dis f0t0 which was tak3n at Marina Barrage (i dunno wad 3xactly i it call3d)... gr3at way t0 k33p mys3lf 0ccupi3d whil3 it is rainin FAT cats & dogs 0utsid3...

November 12, 2008

juz g0t back fr0m mac... had a grill3d chick3n f0ld0v3r m3al... it lo0k3d tasty, but alas, it din r3ali tast3 dat go0d wh3n i to0k a bit3 (at l3ast t0 m3)... i dislik3 th3 skin... anyway, was reminiscing the go0d 0ld days wh3n w3r3 still in kind3rgard3n 0r primary scho0l with all th3 pur3 inn0c3nt kiddish fun... s0m3h0w s0mewad, baby was t0kin b0ut a f3w 0f his primary scho0l fr3ns wh0 actually shat in th3ir pants... i was happily sippin 0n my c0k3, list3nin intrigu3ly t0 him... d3n cam3 this part which h3 d3scrib3d th3 trail 0f shit 0n th3 flo0r wh3n th3 po0r fella chi0ng t0 th3 t0il3t... i ch0k3d 0n my c0k3 & sw3ar dat i alm0st spit 3v3rything right int0 baby's fac3 (lik3 th0s3 classical type u s33 in dramas), inst3ad, th3 c0k3 was all 0v3r th3 s3rvin tray...
as h3 sp3aks 0n, i n0tic3d a w0man, hu dr3ss3d quit3 casually cam3 0v3r to a tabl3 wh3r3 th3r3 ar3 left0v3r fo0d... sh3 calmly to0k a s3at & pr0c33d3d t0 c0nsum3 th3 l3ft0v3rs... 0h man... dat was lik3 s0... many qu3sti0ns cam3 t0 m3, payin littl3 att3nti0n t0 baby... c0uld it b3 dat sh3's damn po0r t0 aff0rd a pr0p3r m3al(bt sh3 wasnt dr3ss3d shabbily), 0r is it dat sh3 fac3d s0m3 pr0b & tri3s to b3 as frugal as p0ssibl3, 0r c0uld sh3 b3 m3ntally unstabl3? wad dr0v3 th3 po0r w0man t0 r3s0rt t0 such acti0ns? i f3lt s0 much f3r h3r... at this p0int 0f tim3 , i n0tic3d a tabl3 0f ladi3s ( hu all lo0k brainy) w3r3 actually passin s0m3 n3gativ3 r3marks b0ut th3 w0man... th3 star3s 0f th3irs sh0w3d n0 m3rcy t0 h3r.. wtf is wr0ng wif th3ir fcukkin h3ad... c0uldn't d3y b3 m0r3 s3nsitiv3 t0wards h3r f33lings??? piss3d m3 0ff s0 much... dun und3rstand why s0m3 pple jus l0v3 t0 star3 s0 much...
it's t0ugh, but i'll l3arn t0 handl3 it

littl3 miss n0t happy is happy n0w


im s0 fr3akin happy cuz baby kn0ck3d 0ff fr0m w0rk l3 d3n c0min 0v3r... call m3 sticky gf or wad3v3r... but i juz lurv3 it =D simply cant g3t 3nuff 0f him
p3rhaps it is b3tt3r dis way


it is n3v3r 3asy

i hat3 t0 sa3 but i hav3 d0n3 nth pr0ductiv3 f3r th3 wh0l3 aft3rno0n... i w0nd3r h0w th3 h3ck i manag3d t0 star3 at my lappy's scr33n f3r 8 hrs or s0, rand0mly clickin h3r3 & th3r3... y3ah... mayb3 s0m3 ar3 mumblin t0 d3ms3lv3s "h3y!!! inst3ad 0f rantin b0ut it, y n0t d0 smth b0ut it?!" i t0tally agr33... but s0m3 thoughts came t0 my mind... b33n h3arin rid3rs (or pillions) dying in accidents (i kn0w it has b33n ar0und f3r quit3 s0m3 tim3, but it juz hit m3)... such n3ws had n3v3r b0th3r3d m3 in th3 past, n3ith3r do i car3, but n0w i d0... i cant b3ar th3 t0t 0f such incid3nt w0uld 3v3r happ3n t0 ppl3 wh0m i l0v3 s0 d3arly... i'v3 pray3d s0 hard (lyk i'v3 n3v3r did b4) f3r d3m... n0 d0ubt dat i l0v3 bik3s & tink dat d3 ar3 t0tally co0l, but it has b3cam3 an 0bj3ct dat i am scar3d 0f 0ccasi0nally... i hat3 it wh3n i am scar3d of smth dat i l0v3... *baby, pls dun l3t such incid3nts 3v3r 3v3r happ3n t0 u*

am g0in t0 f0rc3 mys3lf t0 d0 my w0rk f3r my E-learnin w33k

it sh0uld hav3 b33n l0ng g0n3 with th3 wind

November 11, 2008

it r3quir3s s0 much 3ffort

i'v3 g0t to0 b0rin and h3nc3, th3 d3cisi0n of cr3atin a bl0g... ^^
n0w d3n i r3alis3 it is such a hassl3.. but luckily, th3r3's my sist3r to h3lp m3...
THANK YOU sist3r *muackz* tak3n an h0ur 0r s0 t0 finish 3v3rything...
but i r3ally hat3 dat playlist stickin out of th3 bord3r...
it luks damn 0bsc3n3.., can s0m30n3 h3lp me with dat???

November 10, 2008


i'v3 b33n waitin f3r my baby t0 finish work... now th3 tim3 is 15:18 & h3 has n0t kn0ck3d 0ff from work y3t... th3 f33ling r3ali sux.. it sux to th3 cor3... som3tim3s, how i r3ali wish3d dat h3 is still a stud3nt so dat i wun miss him sinc3 w3 can s33 3ach oth3r mor3 oft3n... oh w3ll, sinc3 i'v3 g0t nth b3tt3r t0 do, shall post pics & bl0g b0ut th3 "old days" ^^...

251008 ~ trip t0 s3nt0sa

inflatin th3 raft @ a sh0p
on our way to th3 b3ach

still d0in th3 sam3 thing -.-

th3 guys playin th3ir raft whil3 charmain3 & i to0k a dip


v0ll3yball wif him


022208- f0t0s tak3n at marina squar3
w3 had a gr3at tim3 takin d3m, ignorin all th3 w3ird star3s giv3n by pass3r-bys... c0m3 on... dun giv3 us dat kind 0f luk juz bcuz w3 w3r3 takin d3m (n0t as if w3 w3r3 makin out) indiscr3t3ly...
th3 tim3 n0w is 0653... i jux g0t h0m3 fr0m a br3akfast at mac w/ baby... h3 kn0ck3d off fr0m w0rk at 0430 aft3r which h3 c0m3 0v3r & lo0k3d f3r me... * sw33t* g0tta sl33p l3... cia0z...
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